Though the waves of life threatens and roars, yet will I trust you
Though my thoughts rage in my head saying it’s all over, yet will I trust you
Though the pain in my body is unbearable and my heat hurts like hell, yet will I trust you
Though it seems I’m all alone in this life, yet will I trust you
Your words never fail
Your love never ends nor abandons me
Your goodness and mercies never departs from me
So why my soul Are you so weary?
Do you not know that God is all seeing, all knowing, ever present?
How dare you doubt his promises!
His promises are of love
His promises are of good tidings
His promises are to bring hope and expected end.
Rejoice oh my soul
Bask in his eternal love
For you are loved
Crafted with excellent precision
No matter how you feel
You are a product of his labour of love
Even before you were born, he knew you
You are the master piece of God’s creation
So, when life throws its fiery darts
When I’m tired and sick of it all
When I feel it’s all over
When my heart fails and it’s broken
When bills have to paid but no obvious means
When my health fails
When expectations become disappointments
When it’s seems like it’s the end of the road
Yet will I trust you Oh GOD!!